Tag Archives: Twitter

How to use visuals and social media to market your brand: Red Bull, Dunkin Donuts and more.

The human brain has been said to process visuals 60,000x faster than text. Web posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those without. Ekaterina Walter talks about how various brands are using visuals to market themselves whether they have a big budget or no money at all.

[audio http://traffic.libsyn.com/breakingbiz/EkaterinaWalterBreakingBiz.mp3 ]


Ekaterina is the author of Think Like Zuck and her new book, The Power of Visual Story Telling. In this interview she offers some invaluable insight into how we can be more creative with our visual marketing.

Some key takeways were:

A messy desk at work? That could be social gold. (Listen out for her story about Intel)

Respect the different social platforms. The audience uses them in different ways, it’s not a one size fits all game

When you marry content with context, you find true relevance

Digging for Digital Gold with the founder of AirPair

Since the age of 17 Jonathon Kresner has been obsessed with creating experiences through computers. Residing in San Francisco, he provides the online community with instant access to the world’s best software experts thanks to AirPair.com

In this episode Jonathon talks about the value of ‘Pair programming’, how his old company Climbfind was responsible for four marriages and what it’s like digging for digital gold in California.


Some top line outtakes from our conversation were:

  • Success is a numbers game
  • Happiness is a positive cash flow
  • Don’t have your eyes set on creating the next Twitter or Instagram

My mistake was comparing AirPair to Elance, and it’s interesting to learn about the difference and discover how AirPair really helps to create true value to business further down the line. It’s so much more than just one transaction.