Tag Archives: Money

How investors think, what makes a great pitch & the way to become an investor

Alex Dunsdon returns following his first episode on Breaking Biz to go into further detail about the world of startup investment.

[audio http://traffic.libsyn.com/breakingbiz/BreakingBizAlexDunsdon2.mp3 ]


Alex discusses the ways in which investors tend to think, what makes a great pitch and how he made the bold transition to become a full time startup investor after 10 years at M&C Saatchi in London.

All Breaking Biz ‘investor’ interviews can be found here, and interviews with startup founders are here.

Some takeaways were:

  • As a founder you must never get bored of telling your story
  • The most attractive setup for a tech investor is a CTO plus a Business Development professional
  • Investors love founders who clearly demonstrate strategic thinking as far as 3-5 years ahead, regardless of whether the predictions come true or not.